A High Security Janitor Cleaning cart that acts as complete system solution for cleaning your facility and all your cleaning needs. Keep everything secure with 2 locking cabinet doors and in place with 2 removable 30 Qt storage bins and a locking security hood with easy access. This heavy duty cart is built with a durable aluminum and plastic construction with 8″ wheels and 4″ casters.¶¶· Two 10 Qt yellow carrying caddies can store up to 6 spray bottles or 25 microfiber cloths¶· 4 rubber tool grip holders, 4 safety sign hooks¶· Zippered 6 grommet bag for easy trash removal, standard with lid¶· Front has locking grooves for a microfiber charging bucket
Globe Commercial High Security Janitorial Cart
Đặt mua Globe Commercial High Security Janitorial Cart

Globe Commercial High Security Janitorial Cart
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